Tuesday, December 26, 2006


It's not been easy for me in the last few days. I have to go out every night and sleep in a box in the garage. That's because I had an accident in the kitchen and even I have to admit - the smell was awful.

I just couldn't help it. I was alone in the kitchen, enjoying a few hours sleep under the radiator . It was very comfortable but suddenly I felt the need to visit the pussy toilet. Unfortunately nobody was around and despite meowing loudly nobody came to open the back door and let me out into the garden.

It didn't make any difference. In the end there was no choice but to squat and squit on the kitchen floor. It was a bit smelly I can tell you - but there was nothing else I could do.

When Pat came home she was furious. I was thrown out into the garden and she had to clear up the mess - which couldn't have been very nice. But you can't blame me. I wanted to go out and couldn't - so I had to do the business where I was.

Now I am only allowed into the house when the humans are around. If they go out - then so do I. It means spending more time in the cold garage but so far it's not too bad. I get a chance to write this blog when they are not looking. They don't realise that a cat can use a computer!